Wireshark-bugs: [Wireshark-bugs] [Bug 10523] New: 6LoWPAN extension headers not padded correctly

Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 09:34:20 +0000
Bug ID 10523
Summary 6LoWPAN extension headers not padded correctly
Product Wireshark
Version 1.99.x (Experimental)
Hardware x86
OS Windows 7
Severity Major
Priority Low
Component Dissection engine (libwireshark)
Assignee [email protected]
Reporter [email protected]

Created attachment 13117 [details]
Packet with compressed Destination Options header padding

Build Information:
Version 1.99.0xxxxxxx (v1.99.0-rc1-1946-g712d9af from master)

Copyright 1998-2014 Gerald Combs <[email protected]> and contributors.
License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

Compiled (32-bit) with GTK+ 2.24.23, with Cairo 1.10.2, with Pango 1.34.0, with
WinPcap (4_1_3), with libz 1.2.5, with GLib 2.38.0, with SMI 0.4.8, with c-ares
1.9.1, with Lua 5.2, with GnuTLS 2.12.18, with Gcrypt 1.4.6, with MIT Kerberos,
with GeoIP, with PortAudio V19-devel (built Sep 26 2014), with AirPcap.

Running on 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, build 7601, with WinPcap version
4.1.3 (packet.dll version, based on libpcap version 1.0 branch
1_0_rel0b (20091008), with GnuTLS 2.12.18, with Gcrypt 1.4.6, without AirPcap.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz (with SSE4.2), with 16068MB of
physical memory.

Built using Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 build 40219

Wireshark is Open Source Software released under the GNU General Public

Check the man page and http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
6LoWPAN packets can contain "compressed" IPv6 Extension Headers, as per RFC
6282, section 4. These headers aren't really compressed apart from the ability
to elide trailing padding in some cases; really they just maintain the
contiguous "compressed header" chain up to the next really compressed header

The key difference in the compressed extension header format is that the length
is stored in octets, rather than 8-octet units. This permits a trailing Pad1 or
PadN option that was used to get 8-octet alignment in a Hop-by-Hop or
Destination Option header to be elided. Key paragraph from RFC 6282:

   IPv6 Hop-by-Hop and Destination Options Headers may use a trailing
   Pad1 or PadN to achieve 8-octet alignment.  When there is a single
   trailing Pad1 or PadN option of 7 octets or less and the containing
   header is a multiple of 8 octets, the trailing Pad1 or PadN option
   MAY be elided by the compressor.  A decompressor MUST ensure that the
   containing header is padded out to a multiple of 8 octets in length,
   using a Pad1 or PadN option if necessary.  Note that Pad1 and PadN
   options that appear in locations other than the end MUST be carried
   in-line as they are used to align subsequent options.

However, Wireshark does not decompress the packet strictly correctly. It simply
zero-pads all 6LoWPAN NHC extension headers up to a multiple of 8 octets. As
can be seen in this trace, that is then dissected as having multiple Pad1

Compressed header in attached trace:
E7 02 1E 00  
(E7: NHC Destination Options Header, Next Header Compressed)
(02: Header Length 2 octets)
(1E 00: Experimental option, zero-length payload)

Wireshark decompression:
11 00 1E 00 00 00 00 00
(11: Next Header UDP)
(00: Header Length 8 octets)
(1E 00: Experimental option, zero-length payload)
(00 00 00 00: Pad1 Pad1 Pad1 Pad1)

Correct decompression (only possible compressor input that could produce trace
packet by RFC 6282 rules):
11 00 1E 00 01 02 00 00
(11: Next Header UDP)
(00: Header Length 8 octets)
(1E 00: Experimental option, zero-length payload)
(01 02 00 00: PadN, 2 bytes payload)

[Note that Wireshark's decompression result is not strictly compressible by RFC
6282, as it has multiple trailing Pad1s - you couldn't even strictly compress
the last Pad1, by my reading].

How you decompress the padding matters for two reasons:

1) Incorrect padding expansion would cause an IPsec authentication failure.
Padding options are included in IPsec header processing (they're non-mutable

2) A simple zero-padding rule can encourage compression implementations to be
lax on their compression, and compress data other than padding. For example:

Uncompressed IPv6 extension header:
11 00 1E 04 00 00 00 00
(11: Next Header UDP)
(00: Header Length 8 octets)
(1E 04 00 00 00 00: Experimental option, 4 bytes payload, all zeros)

Possible over-zealous compression that Wireshark currently silently accepts and
decompresses to original by zero padding:
E7 02 1E 04  
(E7: NHC Destination Options Header, Next Header Compressed)
(02: Header Length 2 octets)
(1E 04: Experimental option, four bytes payload, payload elided)

Such a zero-byte-eliding compression/decompression is natural "no-extra-code
optimisation" for an implementation that actually compresses+decompresses
IPHC+NHC headers to full IPv6, but would trip up an implementation that
actually parses compressed extension headers in place. Futher, the compression
does not work on simple RFC 6282-compliant decompressors:

"Incorrect" decompression of above by simple RFC 6282-compliant decompressor
that doesn't check whether elided bytes are padding or not:
11 00 1E 04 01 02 00 00
(11: Next Header UDP)
(00: Length 8 octets)
(1E 04 01 02 00 00: Experimental option, 4 bytes payload, 01 02 00 00)

Such zero-payload-eliding compressor/decompressor implementations have been

So, some possible further strict-checking refinements, beyond just using PadN:

1) Output a warning if more bytes are needed for any header other than
Destination or Hop-by-Hop Option headers. (The other headers don't have
pure-option payloads).

2) Output a warning if adding bytes to a Dest/Hop-by-Hop header that doesn't
contain an already-well-formed Option chain, or already ends in another

3) If the above strict checks fail, as well as the warning, you could maybe
zero-pad rather than PadN-pad to preserve the "compress-zero-payload" intent of
the non-RFC-6282 compressors.

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