Comment # 4
on bug 9940
from Kenjiro Nakayama
(In reply to comment #3)
>> An alternative approach is to do what many other apps do: have a mechanism to
>> find/retrieve/install/update/remove third-party plugins from a common
>> repository site. That way the plugins themselves aren't part of the
>> application package and aren't officially maintained by the core application
>> developers, but instead are maintained by the third-parties (or not, and they
>> die off, which isn't a bad thing either). Many good text editors/IDEs do
>> that, for example, as do browsers, etc. Some even do it with the ability to
>> pull plugins from github directly, instead of storing the plugins in their own
>> site.
> This aproach proposed by Hadriel Kaplan may be the best:
Yes, I think so too.
If pure Lua dissector should not be added,
I will submit a new feature request of this approach to another bugzilla.
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