Comment # 7
on bug 9424
from DSR Corporation
We attached the fixed patch (now for revision 53474). Please check it.
What's new:
1. Removed trailing whitespace.
2. Added missing SVN Id tags.
3. Changed (int)sizeof(guint16) to 2, etc.
4. Now we increment offset after each proto_tree_add_*.
5. Now we use proto_tree_add_item in several places (when it's possible).
6. Added missing modification in epan/CMakeLists.txt.
What about fixed segfault in packet-zbee-security.c... Wireshark developers
have already fixed it in packet-zbee-security.c by adding "if (nwk_hints &&
ieee_hints)" instead of "if (nwk_hints)" below the line "ZBEE_SEC_KEY_LINK".
So, the upstream version of Wireshark has no that segfault now.
Please use the last attached pcap for testing. Warning: you need to add "11 22
33 44 55 66 77 88 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22" and "c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9
ca cb cc cd ce cf" (both are normal, not reversed) to your ZigBee Green Power
(not APS/NWK) security keys in Wireshark prefs to decode the pcap.
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