Comment # 3
on bug 9229
from robionekenobi
This new function will be used in the next patch for the packet-mq dissector,
as I display sometime value in both ASCII/EBDIC. Using the existing function
give me a name (particulary when in EBCDIC) with a lot of escape C sequences,
and this is not so readable, with this new function, it's more readable
With my function:
18 2013-07-23 14:30:31.280630000 MQ
450 MQCONN_REPLY: App=...m......m......[......K...
without using a function, we have all char printed and this lead to some funny
things (if 0xa for example). I also wanted to disallow these escape C
charaters, which are less readable in my case:
2nd esample:
A(...@....@@@.........N...) E(CSQ DM1S RDM1S..LT+...)
For to display such string, there is no need of the escape, only dot are
sufficient. If we need the datail of the dots, we can look in the hex display
in the 3rd panel directly
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