Pascal Quantin
bug 9192
Comment # 3
on bug 9192
from Pascal Quantin
It looks like some copy paste error landed in the new code:
- in dissect_ber_relative_oid() function, shouldn't the following code:
if ( (ber_class != BER_CLASS_UNI)
|| (tag != BER_UNI_TAG_OID) ) {
be instead:
if ( (ber_class != BER_CLASS_UNI)
|| (tag != BER_UNI_TAG_RELATIVE_OID) ) {
- in dissect_ber_relative_oid_str() function, shouldn't the line:
offset = dissect_ber_object_identifier(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb,
offset, hf_id, (value_stringx) ? &value_tvb : NULL);
be instead:
offset = dissect_ber_relative_oid(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
hf_id, (value_stringx) ? &value_tvb : NULL);
Moreover I can see that the code of dissect_ber_relative_oid() is almost
similar to dissect_ber_object_identifier(). Same thing for
dissect_ber_relative_oid_str() and dissect_ber_object_identifier_str().
If the dissection is really similar, we could simply remove the duplicate code
and define those new functions as:
dissect_ber_relative_oid(gboolean implicit_tag, asn1_ctx_t *actx, proto_tree
*tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, gint hf_id, tvbuff_t **value_tvb)
return dissect_ber_relative_oid(implicit_ta, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
hf_id, value_tvb);
with small changes in dissect_ber_object_identifier() so as to handle both OID
and REL_OID cases, and
dissect_ber_relative_oid_str(gboolean implicit_tag, asn1_ctx_t *actx,
proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, gint hf_id, const char
return dissect_ber_object_identifier_str(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb,
offset, hf_id, value_stringx);
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