Jakub Zawadzki
bug 8912
Comment # 9
on bug 8912
from Jakub Zawadzki
(In reply to comment #8)
> Created attachment 11183 [details]
> Third submitted 11ac patch
checking some random part:
+static int parse_s2_W_stats(wtap *wth, guint8 *rec, int rec_size,
ext_rtap_fields * er_fields, stats_common_fields * common_fields, int IS_TX)
+ l1p_1 = s_start_ptr[0]; // assume 0x3f
+ l1p_2 = s_start_ptr[1]; // assume 0
+ if (vwr->FPGA_VERSION == S2_W_FPGA)
+ {
+ mcs_index = l1p_1 & 0x3f;
+ plcp_type = l1p_2 & 0x03;
+ }
+ er_fields->phyRate = (guint16)(getRate(plcp_type, mcs_index,
er_fields->flags, nss) * 10);
+static float getRate( guint8 plcpType, guint8 mcsIndex, guint16 rflags, guint8
nss )
+ float canonical_rate_legacy[] = {1.0, 2.0, 5.5, 11.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0,
18.0, 24.0, 36.0, 48.0, 54.0};
+ if (plcpType == 0)
+ bitrate = canonical_rate_legacy[mcsIndex];
so mcsIndex can be maximum 0x3f, but canonical_rate_legacy has only 12
It might be wrong, but please check.
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