On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 06:38:19PM -0400, Roger Stumbaugh wrote:
> We have been having major slowness across our wan by our terminal services
> users for quite some time now. I believe I may be on to the culprit, but am
> now at a point where I don't know enough to draw any real conclusions.
The duplicate ack's are messages from the client to the terminal
server which mean "Please send me segment X again since I have not
received it while I did receive segments which were sent later".
The tcp retransmissions are the packets that the terminal server
retransmits based on the requests made in the duplicate ack's.
This means that there is packet-loss in your network between this
client and the terminal server. You say this connection is over
the WAN? Could it be that the link is filled up to 100% at some
times? If so, you might want to do some traffic shaping to give
more bandwidth to terminal server traffic. If the WAN-links are
not filled up, it might also be a duplex-mismatch somewhere
along the path between the client and the server. Is this client
the only one having troubles? Then start looking from the
client end. If there are more clients in different locations
having these problems, you might want to start looking at the
switches/routers near the server. Please note that the AUTO
setting many times result in one end communicating in full-duplex
and the other end communicating in half-duplex, causing collisions
and packet-loss.
I hope this helps, Cheers, Sake
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