Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] tethereal uses too much memory to filter packets from file

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 18:06:04 +0100
On 3/13/06, Alessandro Staltari <a_staltari@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> --- LEGO <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
> > Yes,
> >  although there are probably leaks, these should be
> > a negligible part
> > of memory usage. ethereal is stateful.
> I was not using ethereal but I used tethereal instead.
> Is there a way to tell tethereal to be not stateful?
Go through preferences (either editing the preferences file or with
ethereal as both programs use the same prefs) and disable all those
preferences that require protocols to keep persistent data
(reassembling for the most)

> BTW filtering by date should not require packet
> tracking, I may expect it will not track packets if it
> is not necessary.

Once you use a display filter (or use tethereal's -V option) detailed
dissection takes place.

BTW if what you need is to split the file in time windows try just
identifing the start and stop packets  and use editcap instead.

This information is top security. When you have read it, destroy yourself.
-- Marshall McLuhan