Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Ethereal Command Line Options

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 17:46:26 +0100
On 3/3/06, Keith French <keithfrench@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. Further to my last point on capturing to multiple
> files, what factors under WinXP are most likely to cause dropped packets
> (apart from other applications running)? What is the best method to use in
> gauging the ideal file size for multiple file capture to avoid dropped
> packets?

I do not think that modifying the file size will reduce the likelyhood
of a packet been dropped, thre's  just no correlation between the two

Modifying winpcap's capture-buffer size, may improve (or worsen) the
drop rate, but I cannot help you on that.

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