Oh thanks, I founf this before, but in widows it didn´t work and I
used this in linux and only can simulate traffic SIP, but no RTP, to
generate traffic RTP need I and file wiht the payload? , Need I a
application in the other host listening on the destination port? Do
you have any example?
2006/2/28, Jacques, Olivier (OCBU-Test Infra) <olivier.jacques@xxxxxx>:
> > Hi, I am using ethereal to analyze traffic RTP and SIp on
> > WLAN, bbut i only have 2 laptop with WI-FI and dont have 30
> > laptop to generate 15 calls, then I want to simulate many
> > call on the WLAN, i found out a tools called rtpplay but
> > there is few doc about this, i want to konw is there are
> > people who have been used that to explain me o give a
> > example... I want to generate packet with rtplay or rtpsend
> > if this were and normal call...
> >
> > Or are there other tools to generate traffic rtp free because
> > i have been found out and almost all aren´t free or only
> > generate traffic SIP but not RTP...
> I would recommend SIPp: http://sipp.sourceforge.net/ (not only because I'm deeply involved in it :) )
> It allows to generate both SIP and RTP load (since 1.1rc4).
> Olivier.
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