Ethereal-users: RE: [Ethereal-users] Help with the Rules of TCP/IP

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Bateman, Pete" <Pete.Bateman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:42:23 -0000
Yes its perfectly legal to set the ack flag in a payload carrying segment as the ack is acknowledging the segments coming in the opposite direction, they just hitch a ride on the outbound segment because its there. If there were no data the ack would go anyway but in its own packet with a zero segment length.

The rfc is the best place to go for the rules of tcp as it IS the rules of TCP - google for rfc793


-----Original Message-----
From: ethereal-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ethereal-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: 09 January 2006 10:23
To: ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Ethereal-users] Help with the Rules of TCP/IP

Hi Folks

Is it Legal to send a TCP segment with the ACK flag set and data in the payload.
I have a malfunctioning application and when it fails I see a continuos TCP
retransmission (5 attempts) of a packet that has an ACK flag only set and a
payload length of 1460 bytes.

Forgive me if I miss understand, but I though you had to have the PSH flag set
to send data? Is there a good document that would explain these rules?

Many Thanks for your help

Andy Harcup

"If you discovered how one wheel in the 'clock' turns - you may speculate how
the rest move, but you . . . better leave alone the question of who wound up
the spring"

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