Ethereal user support <ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx> schrieb am 10.10.05 14:05:35:
> Does anyone know of a good tethereal guide somewhere? I'm sitting with the manual for it now and it is somewhat confusing at times. Not really sure what kind of statistics I will be able to get out of the dumps with tethereal. Oh and another question not regarding the usage of ethereal but maybe anyone of you know anyway. I was looking to split some of the tcpdump-files I have so that I could open them in ethereal (the computer cant handle the large files as they are now). I tried using tcpslice but whatever timestamp range I use I only get a 24k file without any valid information. Its either that or getting a copy of the dumpfile if I specify a timestamp range outside the stamps of the file. Anyone know what the problem could be?
There's no real tethereal specific guide (except for the man page). May I suggest that you use Ethereal to get yourself comfortable with the various statistics as the "visual approach" might be a lot faster and the stats should be equal for Ethereal and Tethereal. You can later use Tethereal for "production purpose".
There should be statistics documentation at: but the various Statistics devlopers doesn't tend to document their work :-(
I think editcap can split capture files, but I didn't do that myself ...
Regards, ULFL
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