. . . just jumping in the middle . . . Do you have more than one adapter?
If yes, have you tried them all?
Steve Jennings
Sr Consulting Member, Technical Staff
Verizon Global Network Systems
6665 North MacArthur Blvd, K02D21
Irving, TX 75039
972.465.4112 Office
877.886.0721 Pager
972.465.4922 Fax
Guy Harris
t> To
Sent by: Ethereal user support
ethereal-users-bo <ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Re: [Ethereal-users] cannot see
08/10/2005 12:55 "live capture"
Please respond to
Ethereal user
Joseph Pitts wrote:
> Also I'm plugged into a Zywall 1 firewall\router, both the linux(FC4) and
> boxes are running at 100MB.
What "XP box" is this?
Is the Linux box the one running Ethereal? If so, were you going to the
Web sites with a browser on it, or on the XP box?
The page at
says the ZyWall 1 "is equipped with a 4-port switch", so if you're
running Ethereal on one of your machines, it probably won't be able to
see network traffic to or from the other machine (regardless of whether
it's an "Update list of packets in real time" capture or not; the only
difference "Update list of packets in real time" makes is whether the
lack of packets manifests itself as an empty packet list or packet
counts of zero in the capture progress window).
There *might* be some way to monitor the Internet side of the ZyWall 1
with an option (the firewall/router box I have contains a switch, but it
has an option to reflect Internet-side traffic back to one of the
ports). If nothing else, you could plug the Internet side, whatever
device was plugged into it, and the machine running Ethereal (or
whatever traffic capture software you're using) into a *real* hub:
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