Quoting Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Keith C. Perry wrote:
> > Well, I'm not sure I guess is the correct answer. I can only report on the
> fact
> > that the current version is showing all the data on the same line where as
> .0a
> > version was wrapping it in the window.
> What do you mean by "all the data" - do you mean the *entire stream* is
> shown on one line?
> Is this data text in the form of lines (such as HTTP request/response
> lines and entity headers), so that there are CR/LFs in the data (as your
> "as if there are no CR/LF" in an earlier message suggests), and so that
> the problem is that the lines are wider than the window, or is it
> non-text data (in which case there really *aren't* CR/LFs)?
The data being observed is a TN3270 session (basicaly Telnet for a mainframe in
case you are not familiar with it). It not that the data is wider than the
window per se. It is that there are [probably] no CR/LF because TN3270 is a
full screen client. If I'm an looking at the stream in this regard then, I
would not expect it to wrap in the window based on that. However to analyze
more effectively what is going on, "forcing" the data to wrap in the window as
in the .0a version, would be most useful.
> > What I am trying to avoid is having to view on that data on one line. A
> "Force
> > Wrap" option would do that for me in this case.
> It might work, but it might not be the best solution; without knowing
> what the underlying problem is, it's not clear what the best solution
> would be (e.g., whether line wrapping should always be done, although
> some way of indicating whether a line was wrapped or not would probably
> be necessary, so that the user can tell the difference between two lines
> split by a CR/LF or LF at the end of the first line and two lines split
> by line wrapping).
I don't think it a matter of there being a real problem. Its a matter of
practicality- if the data wraps the net effect that you get more data on screen
in the window (you only need to vertically scroll. Now I understand that
choosing *where* to wrap the data in this scenario would also be a question but
as the "Follow TCP Stream" window is a adjustable to a degree, I would perhaps
that window width should determine line length. That way you as programmer
don't have to decide between 72, 80, or 132 characters wide. Thus again leaving
this up to the user to decide how they want to see the data stream.
Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
Director of Networks & Applications
VCSN, Inc.
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