My traces are 25 MB. Maybe it is something with my station.
Connexim, une société en commandite de Bell Canada
André Noël - Capacité et performance de réseaux
671, De la Gauchetière Ouest
Bureau 744
Montréal, Qc H3B 2M8
Tél.: 514-870-0496
Courriel: andre.noel@xxxxxxxxxxx
-----Original Message-----
From: Fabrizio Bertocci [mailto:fabrizio@xxxxxxx]
Sent: June 28, 2005 11:59
To: andre.noel@xxxxxxxxxxx; Ethereal user support
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-users] Ethereal crash when opening trace files...
I tried to follow the steps you described in your email, but I cannot
reproduce the crash you experience:
- Captured a trace, saved under c:\foo\test
- Quit Ethereal
- Restart Ethereal
- Load trace c:\foo\test
- Save as c:\foo\test.enc as Network Associates Sniffer (dos based)
- Quit Ethereal
- Restart Ethereal
- Load trace c:\foo\test.enc (no problem)
- Load trace c:\foo\test (no problem)
My trace was quite small (about 400 packets)...
Running Windows XP Pro SP2. Ethereal version 0.10.11 (custom build).
NOEL, ANDRE wrote:
> Hi,
> Since I installed ethereal version 0.10.11 Im experiencing a strange
> behavior and I want to know
> if Im the only one. ( ethereal windows version 0.10.11 running on
> Windows XP Pro SP1)
> Some would try this and tell me if he is experiencing the same as me ?
> 1 Open a trace with Ethereal
> 2 Save it as Network Associate (DOS based) format with the same
> filename as the opened one but add extension .enc
> 3 Try to open any trace in that directory. Ethereal should crash to
> windows.
> 4 Work around. Copy the trace to another directory and it will open
> successfully.
> For me it looks like when saving in Network Associate format, this
> change some permission or
> I dont know what in the directory that make ethereal to crash.
> Please let me know if you experience the same as me or not.
> Regards.
> Connexim, une société en commandite de Bell Canada
> André Noël - Capacité et performance de réseaux
> 671, De la Gauchetière Ouest
> Bureau 744
> Montréal, Qc
> Courriel: andre.noel@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:andre.noel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Ethereal-users mailing list