Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Re: summary and partial detail dissection

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 21:11:56 GMT
We are trying to use the tethereal colinfo option to 
append a couple of columns to the output. The columns we 
are specifically interested in are http.cookie and ip.len. 
But for some reason when specifying multiple 
colinfo options using -z colinfo, it seems that tethereal 
is parsing only one (seemingly the last one specified) 
option and ignores every other -z colinfo option. 
According to the documentation it is possible to list this 
option multiple times but this doesn't seem to be working. 
We are running ethereal version 0.10.10. Here's the exact 
command line we are 

tethereal -n -S -ta -f tcp port 80 -d tcp.port==80,http -z 
proto,colinfo,http.cookie,http.cookie -z 

Any advice here will be greatly appreciated.