Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] One feature I'd *LOVE* to see in Ethereal: T CPbounce diagr

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 09:49:39 +0200

Francisco Alcoba (TS/EEM) wrote:

>The code is general, it is not tied to VoIP analysis. 
I'm very glad to hear this, as duplicated code for different stats is
quite common, making it hard to maintain :-(

>I am writing a function
>to plot general diagrams that I hope I can get ready in a while. My idea is, rather
>than using it from a specific protocol, calling it from the main window to graph
>the displayed packets. The disadvantage there is that you will have no such a thing
>as a protocol specific context menu option -like "go to the segment this packet is
>acking"-; you will, however, be able to focus the main window on a packet by clicking
>on it, and there you can have those options. You will have also general packet information
>on the graph, not specific for one protocol level.
In the long term we might need both. I "often" have to deal with TCP
problems, so a dedicated TCP graph of that kind might be useful too.

However, the graph you describe seems to be useful too, so having both
general and specific graphs for different purposes seems to be a good idea.

>The main advantage, of course, is that it should be possible to make graphs of 
>arbitrary packet combinations. I attach a sample of how it will -I hope- look.
>Anyway, using it for something protocol-specific should be quite straightforward -thanks
>to Alejandro-.
Thanks from me too.

>  Francisco 
As the VoIP graph is looking very nice and seems to be useful (but I
don't use VoIP), having some more sophisticated "stats" in a general
purpose way is the way we should go in my eyes.

Regards, ULFL

P.S: Please keep an eye on GUI consistency, e.g. the button shouldn't be
called "Write to file" but "Save As" as in some other dialogs.

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