If I understand the functionality correctly,
Ethereal offers a very basic flavor of the same, i.e. the ability to merge
different captures into one -by a command in the File menu or by using the
command line mergecap-. It does not provide an automated way to simultaneously
start and stop captures in different points -which should be quite
straightforward by scripting- and, more importantly, it does not provide a way
to identify, in the resulting capture, the original probe the trace came from.
This might change in the future, I think I've read there is a new version of the
libpcap format that allows comments to be inserted together with packets, so
there might be a way to identify sources there.
When merging, Ethereal will use timestamps
to order the packets, it will make no attempt to order them based on network
topology or packet comparisons, so you will need a very well synchronized probe
network for it to be of any use -I don't know if the product you mention can do
something else-.