Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Issue with configuring during capture filters

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Jack Jackson <jack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 09:42:06 -0800
At 12:26 PM 1/21/2005, Dell Acord wrote:
Currently running ver 0.10.7 Running WinPcap ver 3.1 beta 4. Filter
Syntax's not working as mentioned in configuring filters in TCPDUMP
and book using Ethereal.

Can any one help in instructing me in the correct syntax?
The same answer as last time.

Capture or display filters?  The syntax for the two are very different.

Give an example of a filter that doesn't work.