Title: Message
sometimes the sequence number is odd and doesn't fit into the
tcp-session. the numbers look much too high.
if u
lock the y-axis (sequence number) and zoom in u'll see the chart standing up and
the expected chart appears. give it a try... or u could cut off the packets with
the higher sequence number from the file and draw the chart from the new
seen packets with "much too high" sequence number for instance in case of
tcp-reset commands.
i sometimes use
the abovementioned to look at FTP sessions to see if the TCP layer is
performing ok. When i select a packet and try and activate the tcptrace
type graph, sometimes, it doesnt work. By this, i mean that i get a very
weird looking tcptrace graph, that doesnt make sense at all. its all
straight lines, step changes, totally weird. Then i select other
packets from other ftp sessions and i can see the proper
can someone
tell me what conditions need be fulfilled in order for me to see the tcptrace
graph ? why can i see the tcptrace for some packets and not for others ?