Maurice Height wrote:
> I have tried to capture traffic on my PC between a HTTP server also running
> on my PC
> and my browser without success.
> Ethereal works fine for capturing internet data via the filter "tcp port 80"
> on interface: \Device\NPF_GenericNdisWanAdapter.
> However on my local setup I access the server via http://localhost:5000
> and have not captured anything using capture filters like:
> tcp port 5000
> host 127.0.01
> host
> My questions are:
> Can local traffic be captured?
Not with Ethereal on Windows. It is a limitation in Windows.
The only program I have tested so far that can capture loopback packets on Windows is CommView (if you install the
loopback-adapter that is included).
I haven't tested it so much, just for an hour or so. So I'm not aware about any limitations or similar.
I uninstalled CommView the same day since I had some network problems a while after I had installed it and I wasn't sure
if this problem was due to the CommView. I don't think that the problem was due to CommView/loopback adapter - but I
haven't tried it more since then.
There might be some other programs.
However some of them might have some limitations e.g. due to that they are implemented as a Winsock LSP.