<I have a simple
change request for this option.
<Would it be
possible to have the "Display raw text for SIP messages"
<under the
Preferences menu, replace or override the normal dissector,
<rather than
being invoked after it has finished? If the main dissector crashes
<or fails to
finish the dissection (resulting in a short frame messge),
<the raw text
does not get displayed.
I'm using both of
them at same time since I often want to look at the raw
SIP-message, but
I also want to do
easy filtering with "Analyse/Prepare a filter" and also want the
dissector to startup RTP
conversations and similar.
It might be good to have an
option to disable the "tree dissection" for those that want
and just have the
"raw text format", similar to how there is two checkboxes in Megaco
Another alternative
could be to use a enum preference that
can used to select between
-Tree Dissection Only
-Tree Dissection+Raw
-Raw+Tree Dissection
-Raw Only.
The SIP-dissector in
Ethereal 0.10.4 shouldn't crash, I think.
There was a problem
in Ethereal 0.10.3.
If you have any
remaining crash problems with 0.10.4, please send a