Title: tethereal column format & -z proto,colinfo incompatibility/bug/error?
I'm using tethereal to capture traffic and have specified the column display parameters using
tethereal -o "column.format: time,%t,length,%L,protocol,%p, MACsrc,%uhs,MACdst,%uhd,IPsrc,%s,IPdst,%d etc.
This works fine and the displayed data is in the correct format.
However, I also need to access other protocol information that is not available via the column format.
I hoped to use the -z proto,colinfo,filter,field option to add the parameters
Eg tethereal -z proto,colinfo,udp.checksum_bad,udp.checksum_bad or
" " " tcp.analysis.ack_rtt,tcp.analysis.ack_rtt
Or whatever other field I want displayed.
This works fine so that I see the field displayed as eg udp.checksum_bad == 1
but only for the default ethereal column format….
If I specify different columns either with the -o option in tethereal or by changing the column preferences in ethereal and try using
-z proto,colinfo,filter,field I get the following error message:
** ERROR **:file columns-utils.c: line 274: assertion failed: (cinfo->col_first[el] >=0)
Using Windows 2000 Prof and Windows XP Prof with Ethereal 0.10.3 gives exactly the same error message.
Is this a bug? Is there any way I can use the following command successfully?:
tethereal -o "column.format:…………." -z proto,colinfo,….,….. -z proto,colinfo