"Could anyone explain what I might be doing wrong"
Easy. You are using NETTL.
Type in "the interface from hell" in google and click "I'm Feeling Lucky"
to see what HP thinks about nettl :-)
Jokes aside. The file format for nettl is undocumented and we have done as
much as we can but there are still nettl files and records
we just dont have any clue on how to parse.
Please feel free to try to rev engineer the unknown records, it is not that
difficult if one is motivated enough.
I did a lot of nettl about a year ago to decode the more common captures i
usually get.
If nothing else, you can try to send the capture file to the list together
with the output from, is it?, netfmt that
parses the fiels and prints them in record format to stdout. and maybe
someone will look into it.
peter forsberg for king
ronnie s
----- Original Message -----
From: "J�rgen Karlsson P (LN/EAB)"
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:13 PM
Subject: [Ethereal-users] HPUX nettl question
When I try to use ethereal and open a captured file by HPUX nettl I get an
error message saying " Tha capture file is for a network type that Ethereal
doesn�t support".
Could anyone explain what I might be doing wrong. If I understand the docs
correct it should support it or?
Kind Regards
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