Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] HELP

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Richard Urwin <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 07:50:55 +0000
On Tuesday 23 Mar 2004 1:05 am, Pete Dumas wrote:
> Dear Experts,
>    Hi. I first downloaded Ethereal a couple years
> back. I was running it on Windows 95 with a very slow
> external fax/modem. It worked beautifully. I have
> since upgraded my computer and modem (CPI CommCenter
> 33.6) and now I can't get it to work (i.e. it will not
> capture any packets).
>    I was first using an older version of Ethereal with
> WinPcap 2.3. If I remember correctly the first time I
> installed it on the new machine, I ran it and it
> worked just fine. The next time I attempted to use it
> it wouldn't work. I am able to run through the entire
> packet capturing process, but it just sits idle with
> 0% packets captured, even though I know packets are
> running through my machine. I am still using Windows
> 95. I have since upgraded my Ethereal and WinPcap
> versions, but I still run into the same problem. Can
> someone please explain to me why I can't use this
> program? Is this because of some config problem (i
> haven't touched any of the default values),or because
> of my interface (PPPMAC), or is it something else? I
> am a computer science major specializing in networks
> and I would very much like to know what the problem
> might be. The only thing I saw in the FAQs was
> something about loopback interfaces not being able to
> capture packets. Please help. Just email a reply to
> pj_dumas@xxxxxxxxx. Thank you in advance!!

You may have missed the FAQ about wincap3.0 not capturing on PPP  
interfaces. Read the wincap website for details. Short answer is to try 
the wincap 3.1 beta.

Richard Urwin