i go on with the same dude. I want to know if somebody knows
where can i find dmp files format.
Guy Harris have told me yesterday this:
"Well, Ethereal is a program that does that - it reads a
number of file formats, including the file formats of
WildPackets' {Ether,Token,Airo}Peek programs, and writes a
number of file formats, including libpcap format, which is
its native format.
Ethereal also comes with editcap, which can do that from the
command line."
I have tested it before but i have two problems:
it is true that ethereal reads a number of file formats,
including the file formats of AiroPeek but i can't save it
as libpcap format (when i click in save as i only can save
as AiroPeek trace (V9 file format).
I have also tested using editcap but an error message
appear: i put in the command line this:
C:\>editcap inputfile.apc outputfile.dmp
editcap: Can't open or create outputfile.dmp: Files from
that network type can't be saved in that format
The same message appear if i put:
C:\>editcap -F libpcap inputfile.apc outputfile.dmp
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