I think you have "printed" the packet dissection to a text file. Ethereal
cannot read this format: it needs the binary packet file.
You can save captured packets to a binary file containing all the packets
when you choose the File -> Save option. You can even choose the format of
this file (SUN snoop, libpcap, ...).
Hope this helps!
-----Original Message-----
From: engoku@xxxxxxxxxxx
My name is Engoku.O.
Since I was poor at English, I used Excite translation.
Please forgive an error etc.
I am creating now the program which asks the result of
etheral for the number of a packet, and dispersion.
The result of etheral is saved at a txt file.
It analyzes by reading by the program which created the .txt file.
However, I did not find the preservation method in .txt file system.
How is it all right if preservation by .txt file is performed?
I need your help well.
友達と24時間ホットライン「MSN メッセンジャー」、今すぐダウンロード!
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