Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] SNMP octet-strings with non-text data not displayed properl

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 12:16:20 -0800

On Dec 16, 2003, at 12:30 AM, Mads Nielsen B (ST/DXD) wrote:

We often trace SNMP packets and have seen that "OCTET STRINGS" that contains non-readable data (array of bytes) not are displayed proberly (not only in 0.10.0).

Unfortunately, whatever version of the SNMP library you're using (UCD SNMP or Net-SNMP) apparently doesn't check for printable characters when displaying octet strings, and either the MIB doesn't give a hint as to whether to display it as text or binary (perhaps there's no MIB item for it at all) or the library isn't handling that hint. Ethereal, when linked with an SNMP library, doesn't do the work of displaying values - it leaves it up to the SNMP library.

I don't remember whether it should be fixed in net-snmp or in the dissector (probably the later).

The latter relies on Net-SNMP to do the work, so the only fix in the dissector would be to stop using Net-SNMP or either

1) somehow get enough information from Net-SNMP to figure out how to do the display work ourselves (e.g., find out if there *is* a MIB entry and:

		if there is, assume Net-SNMP will do the right thing;

if there isn't, display the octet string as text if it's all printable and as hex if not)


	2) somehow force Net-SNMP to do the right thing.

Also I noticed that OID indices sometimes are displayed in a strange way (near EOL): Object identifier 1: (ADSL-LINE-MIB::adslAtucChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate.'.') <= what does "'.'" mean? Object identifier 3: (ADSL-LINE-MIB::adslAtucInvVendorID.500001) <= OK

Again, that's done by Net-SNMP, not by Ethereal, so you'd have to see why Net-SNMP is doing that.

Also a few ideas to the wish-list (it is soon Christmas;-):
- It could be nice with a default Ethereal file extension when saving traces (at least on Windows). I have seen people use "*.cap, *.eth, *.log, *.unameit". We decided to stick to "*.cap" and told "BillG" to associated this extension with Ethereal.

Unfortunately there are *several* packet analyzers that use ".cap" - Microsoft Network Monitor and the Windows version of the Sniffer software, which use it for *different* file types. (That's one advantage of the scheme used on some UNIX+X11 desktops, where they don't just use the file extension, they use a mechanism derived from that of the UNIX "file" command and look at the beginning of the file to infer the file type - that way

1) you often don't *need* to give the file an extension in order to for the file manager to recognize it - on my KDE desktops at home, I don't bother giving PDFs a ".pdf" suffix, but it recognizes them just fine;

2) it can handle files of different types even if those types share a suffix.

Perhaps the ideal would be a scheme in which files had an Internet media type as an attribute, and that were used; however, that'd require that it be reasonably easy to register media types, and wouldn't work on file systems that don't support attaching attributes to files - you'd have to use some scheme to put the attribute in some file on the side, but if you move or copy the file from outside the desktop, that'd get lost.)

I'd prefer not to make the problem worse by using ".cap" for libpcap-format capture files. WildPacket's ProConvert calls them ".dmp" files:

(note all the file formats that have ".cap!), but I could easily imagine that ".dmp" is used for some other file format.

At home, I tend to use ".pcap" as I'm usually *not* using the KDE file manager to browse those files, which makes it convenient to use a suffix. It also has the advantage of not being 3 characters, meaning that a lot of Windows software developers would probably avoid it, so we'd be less likely to collide with some other use of it. (It'd also peeve people who think Windows file suffixes should *always* have 3 characters, but that's only a minor reason for me to like it. :-))