If you can get your capture filter set correctly, you could just write a script that does something like this:
---- WatchForTCN.pl ----
# Start the capture and put it in the background.
system("/usr/bin/tethereal -n -w capture.file.pcap (ring buffer args) 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &");
# Start another capture to watch for the TCN BPDUs.
system("/usr/bin/tethereal -c 1 -n '<filter for TCN BPDUs>' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
# This only runs if the second capture exits, which should only be when a TCN BPDU is encountered.
system("<script to kill -TERM PID of first tethereal process>");
There's a way to extract the PID from the first system(); command, I think, so the third system command might be as easy as 'kill -TERM $pid'.
Spanning Tree is supported by tcpdump, so your capture filter would be this:
stp and ether[15] & 1 = 1
('stp' captures only Spanning Tree, ether[15] is the offset of the BPDU flags, & 1 does a bitwise and with the first flag (the TCN flag), and = 1 checks for the value you want.
So figure out how to get $pid set to something useful and you're there.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Hüttig [mailto:Michael.Huettig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:48 AM
> To: ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Ethereal-users] stop capturing on condition
> Hi all,
> is it possible, to stop capturing after a condition?
> We'r having some problems with switches, which reboot
> sometimes, so i want to
> capture in a ringbuffer and after sending out bpdu-packets with
> topology-change-flag i want to stop capturing for further analysis of
> traffic, which causes switch-reboot.
> --
> thanks for your help
> Michael
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