On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 06:50:45PM -0500, Bill Meier wrote:
> FWIW I had some problems compiling ethereal v0.9.14 on a windows xp system
> using microsoft vc6.
> There were two main problems:
> 1. The gtk+-dev-1.3.0 20030115.zip in the
> Ethereal "Win32 Development Files" directory
> http://www.ethereal.com/distribution/win32/development/
> has a directory structure different than that assumed
> in the config.nmake file.
It doesn't have a complete directory structure - part of the directory
structure is created by whoever unpacks that zip file.
Unfortunately, there's no obvious documentation for the right way to
unpack those libraries, but, using the default config.nmake, you should
create a C:\ethereal-win32-libs directory, create "glib" and "gtk+"
subdirectoris of that directory, unpack GLib into the "glib"
subdirectory (*not* into the top-level ethereal-win32-libs directory),
unpack GTK+ into the "gtk+" subdirectory (*not* into the top-level
ethereal-win32-libs directory), unpack Net-SNMP into the top-level
ethereal-win32-libs directory, and unpack zlib-114-dev.zip into the
top-level ethereal-win32-libs directory and rename the resulting
"zlib-114" directory to "zlib".
If you do that, you *do* get the directory structure assumed in the
config.nmake file.
If you don't put them into C:\ethereal-win32-libs, you should still
follow the above rules, but with ethereal-win32-libs replaced by
whatever top-level directory you create; then you must modify
config.nmake to reflect the new directory.
The rules for unpacking the zip files should probably be documented
somewhere, perhaps in README.win32.