Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Consolidated statistics

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Martin Regner" <martin.regner@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 21:32:11 +0200
Michael Vanden Bossche wrote:
<I need to have the total number of bytes send for each IP address source &
<IP address destination and each protocol in a period of 5 minutes (for example).
<After the 5 minutes another 5 minutes of number of bytes is computed and
<recorded, and so on.
<At the end, I have a table of 5 minutes entries with a timestamp, IP address
<source, IP address destination, protocol, number of bytes
<Is this possible with Ethereal?

The non-GUI version of Ethereal that is called tethereal is probably better for this. Tethereal is included in the Ethereal distribution.

If you use tethereal with "-z io,users,ip" option you will get a printout of the top-talkers during a 5 minute interval, but not divided into different protocols. Theres is also  "-z io,users,tcpip", "-z io,users,udpip" and "-z io,users,eth". For more info se the tethereal man-page

tethereal -a duration:300 -R "not eth" -z io,users,ip 

You could probably use some kind of batch-file/shell-script that captures to a file, prints the time and outputs some statistics, e.g. something like:

@Echo Off
echo ====================== >> statfile.txt
tethereal  -a duration:300 -w file1.pcap
tethereal -r file1.pcap  -R "not eth" -z io,users,ip >> statfile.txt
tethereal -r file1.pcap  -R "not eth" -z io,users,tcpip >> statfile.txt
tethereal -r file1.pcap  -R "not eth" -z io,users,udpip >> statfile.txt
echo ************************************* >> statfile.txt

This way you will miss packets that arrives while calculating the statistics, but maybe that doesn't matter ...

You cannot get the statistics for different protocols, but on different tcp/udp port number combinations 

Another variant could be to use a utilty (e.g. tcpslice ??) to extract different 5 minute time-intervals from a long capture
and use the "io,users" statistics for each interval.