No such document exists that I'm aware of (though the man page covers a
few topics that the User's Guide doesn't).
As James Fields mentioned, you can use editcap to build a new file
containing only s certain set of frames (records). However, you CAN
build filters in Ethereal as well:
Let's say you want to filter only a range of frames, i.e. 1 through 100,000.
You could use this filter: "frame.number >=1 and frame.number <=100000".
If you want to filter based on timestamp, you can do it one of two
ways. You could do it based on absolute time (i.e. frame.time > "Jun
18, 2003 14:00:00.0" and "frame.time <= "Jun 18, 2003 14:30:00.0", which
will filter only records received between ~2pm and 2:30pm today), or
based on relative time (i.e. frame.time >= 0 and frame.time < 30, which
would filter only the first 30 seconds of traffic in a capture).
Ben Irving wrote:
Is anyone aware of a very detailed document on ethereal filtering.
The user guide does not cover what I am hoping to do. I would like to
pull out a number of frames based on frame number, (i.e) frames 1 to
100000 or frames x to y. It would also be nice to be able to do this
based on time. Thanks.
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