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Hi Guy.
> > Is this a bug, or a feature?
> It's an intentional imitation of snoop's behavior.
> If people would prefer that the frame number always be
> present, the behavior could be changed.
I vote yes. As I currently I have to do some yucky guess work with my script to deal with this. Alternatively a separate option
for a CSV extract using a named column list would be a bonus. I imagine
something like:
tethereal -<csv flag> "Number,Relative time,Size,Protocol" > out.csv
Would produce a four column CSV file containing only these columns. This
would also save me the embarrassment of having to mung the "preferences"
file to find out someone's fiddled the current columns setting.
PS I keep on thinking "oh this will be an easy fix ... I'll just crack open
the ethereal source and ....". Then I look at all that yucky string
manipulation and I scurry back to munging tethereal in perl.
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