I have uploaded a new version of Packetyzer to www.packetyzer.com.
Packetyzer is a native Windows GUI for Ethereal. It is based on the 0.9.5
release of Ethereal. Changes in this release:
* Added command to duplicate a filter.
* Options are now stored in a file (packetyer.opt) to make it easy
to share filters with other people.
* Added packet printing command.
* Added packet copy command. You can copy and paste packets to other
* Filters can now be applied to already captured packets.
* Added expression dialog for Filter Editor.
* Improved 802.11 packet analysis window. This feature still needs
a lot of work.
* Added "Create filter from packet" command.
* Numerous small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Feedback is welcomed and will definitely influence the order in which
features are added and bugs are fixed.