My Settings are below.
I think you have to use Device\Packet_{58634D63-6C4F-4607-AEB3-A1BBB4EA120A}.
Thomas Sterber
-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Hektor [mailto:hektor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Dienstag, 5. Februar 2002 14:23
To: ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Thomas.sterber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ethereal on Win XP
I feel this is still unsolved.
Well ethereal comes up on XP but when I try to capture
packets, there
is simply no choice in the dropdown menu for the
[x] I have read the FAQ.
[x] I have installed winpcap 2.3 beta
[x] windump from runs (!!!),
but I want "my
ethereal" ;-)
So windump has the nice option to show possible
interfaces, here is what I get
on my Sony Vaio:
C:\Temp\Giftschrank>windump -D
(Intel 8255x-based Integ
rated Fast Ethernet (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler) )
2.\Device\Packet_NdisWanIp (NdisWan Adapter
(Microsoft's Packet Scheduler) )
Anyone an idea what to do ?
Best regards, Jens Hektor
Jens Hektor, RWTH Aachen, Rechenzentrum, Seffenter Weg
23, 52074 Aachen
Computing Center Technical University Aachen, network
operation & security
mailto:hektor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Tel.: +49 241 80
29206, Raum: 2.35