Title: RE: [Ethereal-users] Capturing net traffic from an alternate host
A cool program to remotly control a Win98 PC (well for that matter linux, Solaris) and its public...
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-----Original Message-----
From: TC [mailto:waclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 7:09 AM
To: ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Ethereal-users] Capturing net traffic from an alternate host
Newbie Alert! :)
I figured out that because I am using a Linksys FastEthernet DSL
Router/Switch I cannot run Ethereal on one (Win 98)machine and see the net
traffic from the other (Win 98) machine connected to the private network
side of the switch. There doesn't seem to be a way to mirror data on one
switch port to the other.
Given that, is there a way to run the Ethereal capture on the second machine
from the first machine? Barring that is there a way to run the capture
remotely, is there a way to run the data capture as a "background" process
on the second machine? I don't necessarily want to have the Capture window
open on the second machine, but if I could start it up at boot time and have
an icon in the Windows Task Bar that would probably be ok. Sort of like how
the virus scan sw runs.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Tony Clark
EMC Corp
Seattle, WA
Ethereal-users mailing list
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