Ethereal-users: Re: [ethereal-users] crc error in win32 distro

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Richard Urwin <RUrwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 08:58:07 -0000
Which browser and which download link did you both use? It seems to me that
it would be useful to know.

On the ethereal site, I tried both the standard win32 binary link, which is
HTTP, and the win32 binary off the FTP source tree link. Both worked for me
in both IE6.0.2600.0000 and Netscape 4.0

Richard Urwin, Software Design Engineer
Ricardo Test Automation
Braemar Court, 1311b Melton Road, Syston, UK.

-----Original Message-----
From: neil lehrer [mailto:nlehrer@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 17 December 2001 15:36
To: Guy Harris
Cc: John Zimmerman; ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-users] crc error in win32 distro

had similar problem when downloading with browser.  went away when i used

Guy Harris wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 02:10:33AM -0600, John Zimmerman wrote:
> > hello, i'm running win98 and I get a crc error when trying to run the
> > program. (Installer CRC invalid)  I downloaded it three times, and I
> > broadband, so I don't think it is from my transmission.
> Broadband has nothing to do with it.  That's a link-layer issue; there
> are several layers *above* the link layer that could make a difference,
> and the most likely layer (as it's the one without error checking) is
> the FTP or HTTP layer.
> For example, it may be that whatever tool you're using to download the
> setup program is getting confused (yes, it is possible for even very
> popular Web browsers to get confused) and downloading it in text mode
> rather than binary mode; when downloading a file in text mode, the
> server or the downloading program may transform the data under the
> assumption that it's a text file, so that the downloaded copy is a text
> file in the appropriate format for the machine downloading it.  If,
> however, the file is a binary file, that transformation merely turns it
> into junk.
> Unfortunately, I don't know what tools have what problems, as I've never
> seen that particular problem using Netscape 4.78 (or whatever) on
> Windows NT or any flavor of UNIX.  I also don't know whether Windows 98
> comes with a command-line FTP program, and don't know what other
> programs are available for Windows to do downloading (via FTP or HTTP),
> so you'll have to try other programs, or ask for help from somebody who
> has had the problem and fixed it, or something such as that.
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> Ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx



+ Neil Lehrer                       
+ United States International Broadcasting Bureau
+ System Development Division
+ voice    202 619-2524             
+ fax      202 619-3576             
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