Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Others' Traffic.. no HTTP?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 02:39:19 -0800
On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 05:51:17PM -0500, Rob Stidman wrote:
> My problem also involved a Linksys hub acting the same way, and I solved my
> problem, also, with a netgear.

Hmm.  Linksys claim on their Web site that their hubs really are hubs:

which sayd

	Switch VS. Hub.  All Linksys Switches provide for Full-Duplex
	speed and cut down the traffic on the network by sending the
	packets only to the port on the workstation is to receive the
	information.  The Linksys hubs only operate at Half-Duplex speed
	and they broad cast a packet to all the nodes on the network...

However, that paragraph goes on to say:

	...(the Auto- sensing hubs broadcast the 10Mb packets to the port
	that operate at 10Mb only and broadcast the 100Mb packets to the
	ports that operate at 100Mb only.

Was this (and the hub in the other example) an auto-sensing hub, with
the sniffing done on a port with a different speed from the other ports?
Or is the Linksys Web site making an incorrect claim (which I could
believe is the case, given that a Google search for "Linksys switching
hub" found references to the "Linksys Switching Hub EZXS16W" and to the
EZXS55W switching hub, although the Linksys site refers to the EZXS16W
and EZXS55W as switches)?