Ethereal-users: [ethereal-users] DLL missing

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Étienne Bégin <etienne.begin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 10:41:48 -0700
I don't know if I'm doing something completely wrong, but I've downloaded Win32
package of ethereal and installed correctly the GTK+ libraries, but I still miss
"packet.dll" file...

I've looked at requirements and I don't have libpcap... I tryed to download it,
but I can only find it for Unix-based OSes.

Anyone could tell where to download packet.dll or simply send it to me by

Thank you !

�tienne B�gin, programmeur (TOUJOURS ;), �tudiant (malheureusement...), musicien
(me semble bien...), hibou (oiseau de nuit), alouette.
Pens�e du jour: "If you don't care enough to have something of your own to say,
they shouldn't be quoting you." (John Carmack)
ICQ: 19606373