On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 02:21:57PM -0700, Gary Taylor wrote:
> I know this has been asked numerous times, but I am trying to get a
> capture filter working and can't figure out what part I'm doing wrong. I want
> to capture all traffic going to/from and my local box for now,
> just to get anything working. I've tried various combinations (listed below)
> and I keep getting the message: "Unable to parse filter string"
> I even tried the exact tcpdump example just to see if the filter would save and
> I still get the "Unable to parse filter string" error.
> tcpdump host sundown
> tcpdump host
> tcpdump -i ppp0 host
> tcpdump -i ppp0 localhost
> host
> host localhost
> tcpdump -i ppp0
> host
> host speedygt
> tcpdump host speedygt
> tcpdump host
All the examples that contain the string "tcpdump" are wrong; you are
supposed to put only the *capture filter* argument that would be passed
to tcpdump, *not* the entire tcpdump command line.
In addition, thanks to libpcap (even the 0.5 version; it's fixed in the
version currently in the tcpdump.org CVS tree) not properly using Flex,
once you've gotten one "Unable to parse filter string" error within one
Ethereal session, you may *continue* to get those errors *even for valid
filter expressions*, so you'd have to exit Ethereal and start it up
again, making sure you use a valid filter expression in the new Ethereal
session (as an invalid expression could get you stuck again).
If you want to capture traffic between and your machine on
some network, the filter expression (for tcpdump *or* Ethereal) would be
something such as
host and <your host's name or IP address *on the
network in question*>
I emphasize "on the network in question" because "localhost" or
"" should *NOT* be used - those are your host's name and IP
address, respectively, on the *loopback* network, but they're not its
name or IP address on any other network, and thus they won't work if
you're not capturing on the loopback interface.
For example, if your host's address on the ppp0 interface is, and the name corresponding to that address is "speedygt",
and if the name corresponding to is "sundown", then
host sundown and speedygt
would work, as would
host sundown and
host and speedygt
host and