(Retransmitted; the first copy got a bogus bounce.)
On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 10:02:38AM -0700, Guy Harris wrote:
> Check whether there's a "libsnmp.so" in "/usr/lib", and, if so, remove
> it, do a "make distclean" in the Ethereal source directory, re-run
> "configure", rebuild Ethereal, and see if that fixes the problem.
...or just un-install UCD SNMP 4.1.2 completely (header files,
libraries, etc.), do "make distclean", do "configure", and rebuild
If you build Ethereal from source, it should work fine even with UCD
SNMP 4.1.1; the problem is that 4.1.1 isn't 100% binary-compatible with
earlier releases, such as those in pre-6.2 releases of Red Hat, and
versions of Ethereal built with those earlier releases won't work with
the 4.1.1 UCD SNMP shared library. You don't have to build Ethereal
from source *AND* change the UCD SNMP shared library; one or the other
should be sufficient (as long as, if you change the shared library, you
*replace* the library that comes with RH 6.2 with the new one, rather
than *adding* it in a different directory).