Look in C:\Program Files\Ethereal\plugins\0.10.14
On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Raman Singla wrote:
> Hi all,
> i wrote an pluggins for decoding of gprs messages & i m able to generate a dll file for that pluggin too. But when i m running ethereal is not recognising this dissector & when i look in Enable Protocol list there is no entry for any of pluggins dissectors.
> I feel it is b'cos of Step no. 5 given in readme.pluggins. Here is step 5 .
> ----------------------------------------------------
> The bad news is that ethereal will not use the plugin unless the
> plugin is installed in one of the places it expects to look.
> One way to deal with this problem is to set up a working root for
> ethereal, say in $HOME/build/root and build ethereal to install
> there
> ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/build/root;make install
> then subsequent rebuilds/installs of your plugin can be accomplished
> by going to the plugins/xxx directory and running
> make install
> ------------------------------------------------
> Kindly let me know where i need to change/put all these dll's so that ethereal recognise these dissectors.
> I m building this on Windows using 0.10.14.
> Raman
> Ext - 1667
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