Sure. packet-ip.c handles the IP and ICMP protocols.
For generating a dissector, you really need to understand what a
dissector looks like. Start with the doc/README.developer file. Then
you have to write a program to convert your input (XML) to the output
(a dissector C file).
FYI, these dissectors are generated from other sources in Ethereal:
On 3/29/06, pserpinet@xxxxxxxx <pserpinet@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if it is possible to manage simultaneously several
> protocols with the same dissector. The protocols to manage are very similar
> (header structure almost identical).
> I have a second question about tool to automatically generate a dissector. Could
> you tell me where I can find information on this subject. The imput file
> describing the protocol is an XML file.
> Thank you in advance.
> Philippe Serpinet.
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