Regarding 1., I'm close to finish a plugin that works with the
"VoipCalls" and you can listen the RTP conversation. I'm using Port
Audio library ( for the audio interface. The big
problem doing this is that are codecs that are licensed like g723 and
g729 that we can not publish, so my idea is to add codecs as extra
plugins. By default, I can include only G711.
I was thinking to add this as optional when installing Ethereal
(like Mate) if there is cuorum. I'm dev in Windows and then will test in
Linux if we plan to include it.
Richard Sharpe wrote:
Last night I saw a demo of the Clearsight Networks Analyser product.
It is certainly very capable. The two things that looked very cool were:
1. Playback of content scraped from a capture file. We listened to a
phone conversation that had been captured (for troubleshooting
purposes) and watched a part of a video stream that had been captured.
2. Its ability to take two captures of the same traffic but at
different places in the network, and then produce a ladder diagram
showing the progress of the packets towards (or away) from the cloud.
This makes it very clear where problems lie for the most part,
although one of the demos that Bo Han gave could have been solved with
knowledge of fast retransmit behavior in modern TCP stacks.
There is other added value that they offer, of course, but the above
two would seem to me to be the most worthwhile things that Ethereal
could do. Of course, handling two capture files at once will take more
infrastructure changes that the first is likely to do ...
Richard Sharpe, rsharpe[at], rsharpe[at],
Ethereal-dev mailing list