Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Buildbot crash output

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Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 19:02:02 -0600 (CST)
Problems have been found with the following capture file(s):

Error information:
Core was generated by `lt-tethereal'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  h248_cmd (m=0x200000000067c028, t=0x200000000067c048, 
    c=0x200000000067c080, type=H248_CMD_ADD_REQ, offset=0)
    at packet-h248-template.c:1393
1393	packet-h248-template.c: No such file or directory.
	in packet-h248-template.c
#0  h248_cmd (m=0x200000000067c028, t=0x200000000067c048, 
    c=0x200000000067c080, type=H248_CMD_ADD_REQ, offset=0)
    at packet-h248-template.c:1393
	cmd = (h248_cmd_t *) 0x200000000067c0b8
	cmdtrx = (h248_cmd_msg_t *) 0x200000000067c0f8
	cmdctx = (h248_cmd_msg_t *) 0x200000000067c110
#1  0x2000000040f1c060 in dissect_h248_T_addReq (implicit_tag=1, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80500, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e3f0, hf_index=14042) at h248.cnf:134
No locals.
#2  0x2000000040f1c110 in dissect_addReq_impl (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e3f0, tvb=0x2000000001a80500, offset=0) at h248.cnf:143
No locals.
#3  0x2000000040bd72e0 in dissect_ber_choice (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    parent_tree=0x2000000001a7e420, tvb=0x2000000001a804a8, 
    offset=1104006864, choice=0x2000000041cdced0, hf_id=14039, ett_id=5244, 
    branch_taken=0x0) at packet-ber.c:1607
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	tag = 0
	len = 237
	ch = (const ber_choice_t *) 0x2000000041cdced0
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e3f0
	end_offset = 240
	start_offset = 3
	count = 6799632
	hoffset = 3
	hfinfo = (header_field_info *) 0x200000000067c110
	length = 27788544
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a80500
	first_pass = 1
#4  0x2000000040f1d340 in dissect_h248_Command (implicit_tag=0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a804a8, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e420, hf_index=14039) at h248.cnf:360
No locals.
#5  0x2000000040f1d3a0 in dissect_command (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e420, tvb=0x2000000001a804a8, offset=0) at h248.cnf:367
No locals.
#6  0x2000000040bd5e40 in dissect_ber_sequence (implicit_tag=246, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x9fffffffffffd9ec, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80450, offset=3, seq=0x2000000041cdcfa8, hf_id=-9775, 
    ett_id=-9744) at packet-ber.c:1165
	len = 240
	hoffset = 6
	count = 6799632
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	tag = 0
	eoffset = 246
	class = 0 '\0'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = 16
	len = 243
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e420
	end_offset = 246
	s_offset = 0
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a804a8
#7  0x2000000040f1d410 in dissect_h248_CommandRequest (implicit_tag=0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80450, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e450, hf_index=14027) at h248.cnf:380
No locals.
#8  0x2000000040f1d470 in dissect_commandRequests_item (
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e450, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80450, offset=0) at h248.cnf:386
No locals.
#9  0x2000000040bd8700 in dissect_ber_sq_of (implicit_tag=0, type=16, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x2000000041cdd010, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80450, offset=3, seq=0x2000000041cdd008, hf_id=-9680, 
    ett_id=5237) at packet-ber.c:2021
	len = 243
	hoffset = 0
	class = 0 '\0'
	pc = 1
	tag = 16
	eoffset = 246
	class = 13 '\r'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = -2
	len = 246
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e450
	item = (proto_item *) 0xf6
	cnt = 0
	hoffset = 1104007192
	end_offset = 246
	hfi = (header_field_info *) 0x200000000067c110
#10 0x2000000040bd8840 in dissect_ber_sequence_of (implicit_tag=1, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x2000000001a7e3c0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80450, offset=0, seq=0x2000000041cdd008, hf_id=14026, 
    ett_id=5237) at packet-ber.c:2049
No locals.
#11 0x2000000040f1d4e0 in dissect_h248_SEQUENCE_OF_CommandRequest (
    implicit_tag=1, tvb=0x2000000001a80450, offset=0, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e3c0, hf_index=14026)
    at h248.cnf:396
No locals.
#12 0x2000000040f1d540 in dissect_commandRequests_impl (
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e3c0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80450, offset=0) at h248.cnf:402
No locals.
#13 0x2000000040bd5e40 in dissect_ber_sequence (implicit_tag=260, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x9fffffffffffda8c, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a803a0, offset=11, seq=0x2000000041cdd068, hf_id=-9615, 
    ett_id=-9584) at packet-ber.c:1165
	len = 246
	hoffset = 14
	count = 6799632
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	tag = 3
	eoffset = 260
	class = 0 '\0'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = 16
	len = 256
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e3c0
	end_offset = 260
	s_offset = 0
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a80450
#14 0x2000000040f1d5b0 in dissect_h248_ActionRequest (implicit_tag=0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a803a0, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e990, hf_index=14012) at h248.cnf:416
No locals.
#15 0x2000000040f1d610 in dissect_actions_item (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e990, tvb=0x2000000001a803a0, offset=0) at h248.cnf:422
No locals.
#16 0x2000000040bd8700 in dissect_ber_sq_of (implicit_tag=0, type=16, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x2000000041cdd0a0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a803a0, offset=4, seq=0x2000000041cdd098, hf_id=-9520, 
    ett_id=5228) at packet-ber.c:2021
	len = 256
	hoffset = 0
	class = 0 '\0'
	pc = 1
	tag = 16
	eoffset = 260
	class = 9 '\t'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = 0
	len = 260
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e990
	item = (proto_item *) 0x104
	cnt = 0
	hoffset = 1104007336
	end_offset = 260
	hfi = (header_field_info *) 0x200000000067c110
#17 0x2000000040bd8840 in dissect_ber_sequence_of (implicit_tag=1, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x2000000001a7e360, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a803a0, offset=0, seq=0x2000000041cdd098, hf_id=14011, 
    ett_id=5228) at packet-ber.c:2049
No locals.
#18 0x2000000040f1d680 in dissect_h248_SEQUENCE_OF_ActionRequest (
    implicit_tag=1, tvb=0x2000000001a803a0, offset=0, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e360, hf_index=14011)
    at h248.cnf:432
No locals.
#19 0x2000000040f1d6e0 in dissect_actions_impl (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e360, tvb=0x2000000001a803a0, offset=0) at h248.cnf:438
No locals.
#20 0x2000000040bd5e40 in dissect_ber_sequence (implicit_tag=270, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x9fffffffffffdb2c, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80348, offset=6, seq=0x2000000041cdd0c8, hf_id=-9455, 
    ett_id=-9424) at packet-ber.c:1165
	len = 260
	hoffset = 10
	count = 6799632
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	tag = 1
	eoffset = 270
	class = 4 '\004'
	pc = 270
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = 0
	len = 270
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e360
	end_offset = 270
	s_offset = 0
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a803a0
#21 0x2000000040f1d750 in dissect_h248_TransactionRequest (implicit_tag=1, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80348, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e300, hf_index=14006) at h248.cnf:450
No locals.
#22 0x2000000040f1d7b0 in dissect_transactionRequest_impl (
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e300, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80348, offset=0) at h248.cnf:456
No locals.
#23 0x2000000040bd72e0 in dissect_ber_choice (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    parent_tree=0x2000000001a7e9c0, tvb=0x2000000001a802f0, 
    offset=1104009832, choice=0x2000000041cdda68, hf_id=13996, ett_id=5226, 
    branch_taken=0x0) at packet-ber.c:1607
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	tag = 0
	len = 270
	ch = (const ber_choice_t *) 0x2000000041cdda68
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e300
	end_offset = 274
	start_offset = 4
	count = 6799632
	hoffset = 4
	hfinfo = (header_field_info *) 0x200000000067c110
	length = 27788104
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a80348
	first_pass = 1
#24 0x2000000040f1f130 in dissect_h248_Transaction (implicit_tag=0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a802f0, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e9c0, hf_index=13996) at h248.cnf:251
No locals.
#25 0x2000000040f1f190 in dissect_transactions_item (
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e9c0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a802f0, offset=0) at h248.cnf:258
No locals.
#26 0x2000000040bd8700 in dissect_ber_sq_of (implicit_tag=0, type=16, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x2000000041cddae8, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a802f0, offset=4, seq=0x2000000041cddae0, hf_id=-9328, 
    ett_id=5221) at packet-ber.c:2021
	len = 270
	hoffset = 0
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	tag = 0
	eoffset = 274
	class = 3 '\003'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = 129
	len = 274
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e9c0
	item = (proto_item *) 0x112
	cnt = 0
	hoffset = 1104009968
	end_offset = 274
	hfi = (header_field_info *) 0x200000000067c110
#27 0x2000000040bd8840 in dissect_ber_sequence_of (implicit_tag=1, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x2000000001a7e9f0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a802f0, offset=0, seq=0x2000000041cddae0, hf_id=13995, 
    ett_id=5221) at packet-ber.c:2049
No locals.
#28 0x2000000040f1f200 in dissect_h248_SEQUENCE_OF_Transaction (
    implicit_tag=1, tvb=0x2000000001a802f0, offset=0, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e9f0, hf_index=13995)
    at h248.cnf:268
No locals.
#29 0x2000000040f1f260 in dissect_transactions_impl (
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7e9f0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a802f0, offset=0) at h248.cnf:274
No locals.
#30 0x2000000040bd72e0 in dissect_ber_choice (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    parent_tree=0x2000000001a7e1e0, tvb=0x2000000001a80298, 
    offset=1104010048, choice=0x2000000041cddb28, hf_id=13993, ett_id=5220, 
    branch_taken=0x0) at packet-ber.c:1607
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	tag = 1
	len = 274
	ch = (const ber_choice_t *) 0x2000000041cddb40
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e9f0
	end_offset = 278
	start_offset = 4
	count = 6799632
	hoffset = 4
	hfinfo = (header_field_info *) 0x200000000067c110
	length = 27788016
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a802f0
	first_pass = 1
#31 0x2000000040f1f2d0 in dissect_h248_T_messageBody (implicit_tag=0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80298, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e1e0, hf_index=13993) at h248.cnf:292
No locals.
#32 0x2000000040f1f330 in dissect_messageBody (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e1e0, tvb=0x2000000001a80298, offset=0) at h248.cnf:299
No locals.
#33 0x2000000040bd5e40 in dissect_ber_sequence (implicit_tag=293, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x9fffffffffffdc0c, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a800e0, offset=11, seq=0x2000000041cddba0, hf_id=-9231, 
    ett_id=-9200) at packet-ber.c:1165
	len = 278
	hoffset = 15
	count = 6799632
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	tag = 2
	eoffset = 293
	class = 8 '\b'
	pc = 293
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = 1097667032
	len = 293
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e1e0
	end_offset = 293
	s_offset = 0
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a80298
#34 0x2000000040f1f420 in dissect_h248_Message (implicit_tag=1, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a800e0, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e210, hf_index=13987) at h248.cnf:75
No locals.
#35 0x2000000040f1f540 in dissect_mess_impl (pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e210, tvb=0x2000000001a800e0, offset=0) at h248.cnf:86
No locals.
#36 0x2000000040bd5e40 in dissect_ber_sequence (implicit_tag=301, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x9fffffffffffdc5c, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80088, offset=4, seq=0x2000000041cddbe8, hf_id=-9151, 
    ett_id=-9120) at packet-ber.c:1165
	len = 293
	hoffset = 8
	count = 6799632
	class = 2 '\002'
	pc = 1
	tag = 1
	eoffset = 301
	class = 0 '\0'
	pc = 1
	ind = 0
	ind_field = 0
	tag = 16
	len = 297
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7e210
	end_offset = 301
	s_offset = 0
	length_remaining = 6799632
	next_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a800e0
#37 0x2000000040f1f5b0 in dissect_h248_MegacoMessage (implicit_tag=0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80088, offset=0, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7e210, hf_index=-1) at h248.cnf:98
No locals.
#38 0x2000000040f1f7f0 in dissect_h248 (tvb=0x2000000001a80088, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0)
    at packet-h248-template.c:1795
No locals.
#39 0x2000000040a71150 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x20000000000a7d40, tvb=0x2000000001a80088, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:386
	saved_proto = 0x20000000416d3128 "H248"
	ret = 6799632
#40 0x2000000040a71f60 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x20000000000a7d40, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80088, pinfo_arg=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:561
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x2000000000585410
	saved_proto = 0x20000000417542e8 "MTP3"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 538976288
	save_writable = 1
	save_dl_src = {type = 538976288, len = 538976288, 
  data = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>}
	save_dl_dst = {type = 538976288, len = 538976288, 
  data = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>}
	save_net_src = {type = 538976288, len = 0, data = 0x0}
	save_net_dst = {type = AT_NONE, len = 0, data = 0x0}
	save_src = {type = AT_NONE, len = 0, data = 0x0}
	save_dst = {type = AT_NONE, len = 0, data = 0x0}
	saved_layer_names_len = 4
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "call_dissector_work"
#41 0x2000000040a728f0 in dissector_try_port (
    sub_dissectors=0x20000000001beae0, port=14, tvb=0x2000000001a80088, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:836
	dtbl_entry = (dtbl_entry_t *) 0x200000000067c110
	handle = (struct dissector_handle *) 0x20000000000a7d40
	saved_match_port = 43
#42 0x2000000041058770 in dissect_mtp3_payload (tvb=0x2000000000585418, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet-mtp3.c:471
	service_indicator = 14 '\016'
	payload_tvb = (tvbuff_t *) 0x2000000001a80088
#43 0x2000000041058be0 in dissect_mtp3 (tvb=0x2000000001a80030, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet-mtp3.c:529
	tap_rec = {addr_opc = {type = MTP3_ADDR_FMT_DEC, pc = 129, 
    ni = 3 '\003'}, addr_dpc = {type = MTP3_ADDR_FMT_DEC, pc = 264, 
    ni = 3 '\003'}, si_code = 14 '\016', size = 306}
	mtp3_item = (proto_item *) 0x200000004208ab30
	mtp3_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x200000004208ab1a
#44 0x2000000040a71150 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x2000000000590ca0, tvb=0x2000000001a80030, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:386
	saved_proto = 0x20000000417542e8 "MTP3"
	ret = 6799632
#45 0x2000000040a71f60 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x2000000000590ca0, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80030, pinfo_arg=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:561
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x2000000000585410
	saved_proto = 0x2000000041634960 "Frame"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 0
	save_writable = 0
	save_dl_src = {type = AT_NONE, len = 0, data = 0x0}
	save_dl_dst = {type = AT_NONE, len = 0, data = 0x0}
	save_net_src = {type = 1701995620, len = 690451315, 
  data = 0x2000000041619398 "command"}
	save_net_dst = {type = 1097664808, len = 536870912, data = 0x0}
	save_src = {type = 909128448, len = 0, data = 0x2000000041cdce40 ""}
	save_dst = {type = 909128688, len = -1610612737, data = 0x0}
	saved_layer_names_len = 0
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "call_dissector_work"
#46 0x2000000040a728f0 in dissector_try_port (
    sub_dissectors=0x20000000000a7560, port=43, tvb=0x2000000001a80030, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:836
	dtbl_entry = (dtbl_entry_t *) 0x200000000067c110
	handle = (struct dissector_handle *) 0x2000000000590ca0
	saved_match_port = 0
#47 0x2000000040e03440 in dissect_frame (tvb=0x2000000001a80030, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, parent_tree=0x2000000001a7eea0)
    at packet-frame.c:256
	except_sn = {except_down = 0x9fffffffffffe870, 
  except_type = XCEPT_CATCHER, except_info = {
    except_catcher = 0x9fffffffffffe2f0, except_cleanup = 0x9fffffffffffe2f0}}
	except_ch = {except_id = 0x2000000041662db0, except_size = 1, 
  except_obj = {except_id = {except_group = 2314885530818453536, 
      except_code = 2314885530818453536}, 
    except_message = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>, except_dyndata = 0x0}, except_jmp = {{buf = {0, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, <invalid float value>, 0, -inf, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, 0, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0, 
        0, <invalid float value>, -nan(0x4928824398483892), -inf, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, <invalid float value>, inf, inf, -0, -0, 
        <invalid float value>, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}}
	exc = (except_t *) 0x0
	except_state = 0
	catch_spec = {{except_group = 1, except_code = 0}}
	fh_tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7ee10
	ti = (proto_item * volatile) 0x2000000001a8b260
	ts = {secs = 0, nsecs = 0}
	cap_len = 306
	pkt_len = 306
	tree = (proto_tree *) 0x2000000001a7eea0
	item = (proto_item *) 0x200000000067c110
#48 0x2000000040a71150 in call_dissector_through_handle (
    handle=0x20000000000a7580, tvb=0x2000000001a80030, 
    pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:386
	saved_proto = 0x2000000041634960 "Frame"
	ret = 6799632
#49 0x2000000040a71f60 in call_dissector_work (handle=0x20000000000a7580, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80030, pinfo_arg=0x2000000000585410, 
    tree=0x2000000001a7eea0) at packet.c:561
	pinfo = (packet_info * volatile) 0x2000000000585410
	saved_proto = 0x200000004148a888 "<Missing Protocol Name>"
	saved_can_desegment = 0
	ret = 1095724720
	save_writable = 536870912
	save_dl_src = {type = 1097659264, len = 536870912, data = 0x0}
	save_dl_dst = {type = 909128448, len = 0, 
  data = 0x2000000041cdda18 ""}
	save_net_src = {type = 909128592, len = -1610612737, data = 0x0}
	save_net_dst = {type = 1835335753, len = 1920213050, 
  data = 0x6f69746361736e61 <Address 0x6f69746361736e61 out of bounds>}
	save_src = {type = 1902465646, len = 1953719669, 
  data = 0x29302820 <Address 0x29302820 out of bounds>}
	save_dst = {type = 4294960576, len = -1610612737, 
  data = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>}
	saved_layer_names_len = 0
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "call_dissector_work"
#50 0x2000000040a74f60 in call_dissector (handle=0x20000000000a7580, 
    tvb=0x2000000001a80030, pinfo=0x2000000000585410, tree=0x2000000001a7eea0)
    at packet.c:1704
	ret = 6799632
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "call_dissector"
#51 0x2000000040a70d20 in dissect_packet (edt=0x2000000000585400, 
    pseudo_header=0x2000000000585410, pd=0x20000000005a1800 "�\bA ", 
    fd=0x9fffffffffffeaf0, cinfo=0x0) at packet.c:325
	except_sn = {except_down = 0x0, except_type = XCEPT_CATCHER, 
  except_info = {except_catcher = 0x9fffffffffffe890, 
    except_cleanup = 0x9fffffffffffe890}}
	except_ch = {except_id = 0x200000004148aa78, except_size = 1, 
  except_obj = {except_id = {except_group = 2305843010288346112, 
      except_code = 2305843010288346624}, 
    except_message = 0x20000000400de800 "z�P�", except_dyndata = 0x0}, 
  except_jmp = {{buf = {0, 0, <invalid float value>, <invalid float value>, 
        0, -inf, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, <invalid float value>, 0, 0, 0, 
        0, -0, 0, <invalid float value>, -nan(0x4928824398483892), -inf, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, <invalid float value>, inf, inf, -0, -0, 
        <invalid float value>, <invalid float value>, 0, 
        <invalid float value>, 0, <invalid float value>}}}}
	exc = (except_t *) 0x0
	except_state = 0
	catch_spec = {{except_group = 1, except_code = 0}}
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dissect_packet"
#52 0x2000000040a6a790 in epan_dissect_run (edt=0x2000000000585400, 
    pseudo_header=0x2000000000584e48, data=0x20000000005a1800 "�\bA ", 
    fd=0x9fffffffffffeaf0, cinfo=0x0) at epan.c:161
No locals.
#53 0x200000000003a6f0 in process_packet (cf=0x2000000000093ad8, pdh=0x0, 
    offset=2305843009219482624, whdr=0x2000000000584e28, 
    pseudo_header=0x2000000000584e48, pd=0x20000000005a1800 "�\bA ", 
    err=0x9fffffffffffeb60) at tethereal.c:2092
	fdata = {next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, pfd = 0x0, num = 2, pkt_len = 306, 
  cap_len = 306, cum_bytes = 612, abs_ts = {secs = 1109946808, 
    nsecs = 76000000}, rel_ts = {secs = 0, nsecs = 0}, del_ts = {secs = 0, 
    nsecs = 0}, file_off = 362, lnk_t = 43, flags = {passed_dfilter = 0, 
    encoding = 0, visited = 0, marked = 0, ref_time = 0}, 
  color_filter = 0x1000c}
	create_proto_tree = 5788672
	edt = (epan_dissect_t *) 0x2000000000585400
	passed = 6799632
#54 0x2000000000039ca0 in load_cap_file (cf=0x2000000000093ad8, 
    save_file=0x0, out_file_type=604976) at tethereal.c:1917
	linktype = 5787176
	snapshot_length = 5787176
	pdh = (wtap_dumper *) 0x0
	err = 1462964150
	err_info = (gchar *) 0x1003e <Address 0x1003e out of bounds>
	data_offset = 362
#55 0x2000000000037dc0 in main (argc=6, argv=0x28) at tethereal.c:1310
	opt = 6799632
	i = 6
	arg_error = 6708200
	gpf_path = 0x0
	pf_path = 0x0
	gdp_path = 0x0
	dp_path = 0x0
	gpf_open_errno = 0
	gpf_read_errno = -2147483648
	pf_open_errno = 0
	pf_read_errno = -2147483648
	gdp_open_errno = 65598
	gdp_read_errno = 0
	dp_open_errno = 65516
	dp_read_errno = 0
	err = 0
	capture_filter_specified = 670776
	list_link_layer_types = 0
	start_capture = 0
	quiet = 0
	save_file = (gchar *) 0x0
	out_file_type = 2
	cf_name = (
    gchar *) 0x20000000005a5a80 "/home/buildbot/ethereal/random/editcap.out"
	rfilter = (gchar *) 0x0
	fcode = {bf_len = 4026531840, bf_insns = 0x10003}
	rfcode = (dfilter_t *) 0x0
	prefs = (e_prefs *) 0x20000000420935a8
	optstring = "a:b:c:d:Df:F:hi:lLnN:o:pqr:R:s:St:T:vVw:xy:z:"
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "main"

(no stderr output)

Bug 651 posted.