Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Error: Duplicate protocol name "iTunes podCast rss elements"

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Hannes Gredler <hannes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 17:58:41 +0200
i have an itunes.dtd in two locations:
 in my buildtree ~/ethereal/dtds and another one

if i delete one of the two a similar problem still persists ...
  it complains about a duplicate rss element.
if i delete them all it complains about a duplicate
  proto name "xml" ;-)

what "config directory" did you mean ?


LEGO wrote:
In the dtds diretory in either the config directory or your personal
config there's itunes.dtd  verify that there is just one copy of the
itunes.dtd (and that just one of the dtds defines itunes as its root


On 9/23/05, Hannes Gredler <hannes@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


i noticed an error witha fresh SVN build:

symptom: "Ethereal does not startup and yells
  -> Error: Duplicate protocol name "iTunes podCast rss elements" "

maybe somebody could have a look;




hannes@kailash ethereal $ ./ethereal -v
ethereal 0.10.12 (SVN 20050923053810)

Compiled with GTK+ 2.6.4, with GLib 2.6.3, with libpcap 0.8.3, with libz 1.2.2,
with libpcre 5.0, without UCD-SNMP or Net-SNMP, without ADNS.

Running with libpcap version 0.8.3 on Linux 2.6.11-gentoo-r6.


hannes@kailash ethereal $ ./tethereal -v

** ERROR **: Duplicate protocol name "iTunes podCast rss elements"! This might be caused by an
inappropriate plugin or a development error.


hannes@kailash ethereal $ ./ethereal -nr atm-ext.pcap
11:40:51          Err  Duplicate protocol name "iTunes podCast rss elements"! This might be caused
by an inappropriate plugin or a development error.

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