Ethereal-dev: Re: SV: [Ethereal-dev] PRES and RTSE dissectors (and X.400 dissectors)

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Yuriy Sidelnikov" <YSidelnikov@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 15:08:02 +0400
would you mind to modify FTAM/MMS asn2eth generated dissectors ?
Please, have a look to attached ftam trace files.
Thank you.
Yuriy Sidelnikov. Anders Broman wrote:
I have checked in the asn1 part, there is some warnings from the x.411 when
generating it. I'll try to have a look at it later.

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr.n: ethereal-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ethereal-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] F.r Graeme Lunt
Skickat: den 4 september 2005 10:45
Till: 'Ethereal development'
.mne: [Ethereal-dev] PRES and RTSE dissectors (and X.400 dissectors) Anders,
I have incorporated my rtse dissector into your latest presentation
dissector for supporting X.410 mode.
This appears to work with the x.410 mode capture I have, though there still
seems to be some problems with the session data transfer PDUs in this mode.
I can't recall how presentation works in x.410 mode - I think it maybe
I attach my RTSE dissector (in tar file) which requires the included ROS
dissector, as well as a patch to the latest pres.{cnf,asn}. The ROS
dissector uses a new field in the SESSION_DATA_STRUCTURE to pass the ROS
operation to the sub-dissector, though this is also set by other dissectors
(RTSE uses it in X.410 mode).
Note that X.400 P1 in X.410 mode doesn't use ROS, so it is useful not to
explicitly include ROS in my X411 dissector. However, the inclusion of a ROS
dissector won't effect any dissectors that currently implement their own
ROS. I also include dissectors for:
X.411 	(P1) 		X.400 OSI Message Transfer Service
X.420 	(P22) 	X.400 OSI Information Object
STANAG 4406 (P772) STANAG 4406 Military Message Extensions (to P22) These rely on the RTSE and ROS dissectors. Graeme

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Attachment: ftam
Description: Binary data

Attachment: refresh_mms
Description: Binary data