Hi list,
I think I have discovered a strange bug there. When I export in the PDML format with tethereal it crashes with the capture files included on the windows platform. I have included my preferences and no protocols are disabled. I am running ethereal revision 15517 on a Windows 2003. The export in other format are fine.
The extract enclosed crashes inside the print.c file, routine "proto_tree_write_node_pdml". It crashes on the Frame number 11 when printing the PPP IP Control Protocol subtree of the GTP message. To be more precise, the crash is caused inside the call proto_item_fill_label(fi, label_str); line 312. If I understood it well this call fills the label with the proto name with the function g_snprintf. This is this latter call that crashes.
Crash message : The instruction at "0x7c812009" referenced memory at "0x000000000". The memory could not be "read".
Inside proto.c I have tried to replace the call ret = g_snprintf(label_str, ITEM_LABEL_LENGTH,"%s", hfinfo->name); by
ret = g_snprintf(label_str, ITEM_LABEL_LENGTH,"PPP IP Control Protocol"); It worked for this item but crashed on the next one.
I am stuck with this problem and I am ready to help. Summary of the other tests :
- If you check "Enable transport name resolution" it does not crash.
- it does not crash if you remove for instance the first packet of the capture.
- the call to proto_item_fill_label are working pretty well until the frame 10, even on equivalent message (frame 8)
Please help !
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Description: GlibCrash.cap
Description: preferences