Hi Ross!
I've found some time to install the WpdPack_3_1.zip and ran into the same problem than you.
The problem is: the file Packet32.h shipped with WpdPack's version 3.1 is now using "struct sockaddr_storage" which is not part of the Win32 API but part of the Windows "Platform SDK", which is not part of MSVC (and must be installed). The platform SDK contains more recent implementations, like this struct which is used for IP V6 addressing.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winsock/winsock/sockaddr_storage_2.asp for details of this struct.
So the solution for now: install the Platform SDK (didn't tried myself) or use the WpdPack 3.0 for now.
I've CC this to the WinPcap developer list if they are aware of this and what they suggest to do about it.
At least, I didn't found any hints that the Platform SDK is required if you want to use Packet32.h in their documentation ...
The SDK is only mentioned to compile the WinPcap drivers itself: http://www.winpcap.org/docs/docs31/html/group__compilation.html
Regards, ULFL
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