I sent this two weeks ago, but obviously everybody was busy or this
feature is not possible for some reason.
I would really appreciate if anybody with the knowledge of code would
say whether it is not possible or just not interesting. If it is not
interesting, maybe I can (eventually) present a more interesting use
case. If it is not possible, obviously I should not keep flogging the
dead horse of this topic.
On 7/27/05, Alexandre Rafalovitch <arafalov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder how difficult would it be to incorporate an XSLT library into
> Ethereal (e.g. libxslt http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/)?
> It would be really nice to be able to say 'Save trace using stylesheet
> XXX'. The current options allow to save either bytes without metadata
> or ALL of the metadata. Being able to chose exactly which metadata and
> data is saved would allow many additional ways to use Ethereal (long
> tail benefits, etc).
> I know that it is possible to save PDML and run XSLT engine over it,
> but for any reasonable sized trace, PDML is absolutely huge and takes
> long time to both write out and process. If it were possible to apply
> XSLT straight to in-memory interface instead of serializing into and
> deserializing from XML, it would be much faster and only output
> specific fields.
> I am aware of MATE, but I don't feel it covers the same niche I am
> interested in, at least not without black magic.
> Unfortunately, I am not a C/C++ programmer, but if somebody can do the
> code, I will be happy to help with the documentation.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards,
> Alex.